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Below are some photographs documenting my practical process. This includes some works in progress, drawing sketches, painting sketches, tea experiments, colour tests and videos. Please scroll down to view images.

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The voice that cries in the Wilderness

210cm x 120cm



work in progress...

I hear you 

I hear your cries 

I search 

But I can’t find you 

My heart breaks 

It bleeds with pain 

I cry 

I cry for you 

You have found me 

But still I search 

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Dombo 2 (Shona word for rock formation)

76cm x 56cm



Work in progress...

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Dombo 3 (Shona word for rock formation)

38cm x 529cm



Work in progress...

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Rough sketchbook sketches 

Getting familiar with the figurative elements of the paintings.

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Colour tests

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Experimenting with different teas and tea layers.The tea gives a golden effect that I use tea to stain my paper before painting the compositions. 

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Experimenting with colour intensity and shell gold.

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Preliminary sketchbook painting- planning the composition for the work tigers of the Kalahari. 

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Experimenting with pigment formation.

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Developing ideas for balancing rock formations.


How I work on the floor.

Video of continuous sketchbook.

Observing colours merge and move.

Building rock formation with pigments and water. Acknowledging their capacity before rupture.

Observing paint pools and its movement whilst drying.

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