Below are photographed images of my watercolour paintings 'wilding watercolour'. The information of each work (title, date, dimensions etc) sit below each work and are accompanied with a written caption that ambiguously and poetically relates to the thinking behind each work and the theme wilding watercolour. The curation of work on this site is synchronized to match the paintings exhibited in the physical space and are not chronologically placed. Please scroll down to view images.

Am I an African Chicken or am I an Urban Fox
76cm x 56cm
I am opposite
I am an African Chicken
I am opposite
I am a fox
I am a fool
To think such opposites

‘Deep beneath the current, a stillness lies’
34cm x 26cm
Go within, it says
Look beyond, it says
There will lie the answers you seek
There will lie
There will lie
The difference between knowing something
on the surface
And really knowing something
From the depths
Or outside
Where is this stillness…

Paradise Flowers
33cm x 24cm
I don’t want to be locked down
I don’t want to be contained
I don’t want to be inside
I want to be outside

Resurrection 1
33cm x 24cm
I don’t want to be dead
I am not dead
I don’t want to be an object
I am not an object

Resurrection 2
33cm x 24cm
I don’t want to be dead
I am not dead
I don’t want to be an object
I am not an object

Plyger (hybrid of a ceramic pot and a tiger)
33cm x 24cm
I am not what you think I am
But I think
You cannot see me
But I see you
You cannot hear me
But I hear you

Tigers of the Kalahari
76cm x 56cm
Tigers are from the Kalahari
Aren’t they?
No, not really
But yes,
I have seen them there
Tiger tiger where are you?
What are they doing there
These tigers that are from the Kalahari …

Kings, Witchdoctors and Vegebonds
76cm x 56cm
Oh king
you mighty beast thee
Oh witchdoctor
you mysterious being
I flee
Just eat veggies
No meat
Now I feel better
Don’t you see

76cm x 56cm
I feel tired
I feel sad
I can’t go anywhere they say
And so I stay
But I can go
I can go far
They can’t control me
They can’t stop me
I can go inward

Dombo 1 (Shona word for rock formation)
31cm x 21cm
Watercolour and Roibois tea
Boulder boulder
You are so heavy
Where can I rest you
So in peace you will be
One on top of another
I balance thee
Oh boulder boulder
Now in place
And I can see